It happened...the thing I feared most. The first game of the playoffs and the Cubs looked as flat as a board. They lost to the Dodgers, 7-2. What the &#$%!! Again, to those of you who could care less, it's meaningless to try and convince you that for this brief moment in time the world problems we face as a society just kind of fade away for a few weeks (maybe in this case a few days) and those of us who would bleed for our team focus entirely on a playing field where 18 guys take wooden sticks and whack around and catch a small leather encased ball. It is a silly game borne of the summer but gone soon after the first frost. The Cubs must win tonite or the prospects for moving along in the playoffs will be very dim. And the winter will be long and cold until we wake with renewed optimism next spring. And it will start all over again........