Sometimes the stars align and all is right with the world. I'm not much for politics or the promises of people who hold the power but this past week I truly believe we've turned a corner in the continuing story that is our country. I've talked to very few people who think we (as a society) were headed in a good direction, regardless of their political, religious or ethnic affiliation. Perhaps the change in leadership will be cause for all of us to reassess who we are and what we think the future should hold. My favorite mantra lately has been
our diversity makes us strong. We are the only country in the world with such a diverse population base and yet, comparatively, our problems are minuscule compared to other places. We can travel from one end of the country to the other in relative safety without having to go through border crossings or possible terrorist strikes. If we get hungry, we can go to the store and select from an array of foods that is second to none. We can use our bathrooms and flush the waste away to sewage treatment plants that lessen the chance of an epidemic because of poor sanitation. I'm really scaring myself because I don't want to come off as a flag waver. I am far from it and don't mean that, by painting with such a broad brush, everyone is well off and we don't have some problems that need tending to. The good things are those that can be applied around the world. The bad, well, they need work but aren't as uniquely American as the naysayers of the world would think. My old hippie ideal of
one world, one people still consumes me. I guess what I'm thinking is that maybe this is our chance to be the generation that will begin that metamorphosis the world needs so badly. In the words of my hero, Bucky Fuller:
It's either Utopia or Oblivion.
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